About us

We are Ueli and Alisha, a Swiss, a Canadian, and most of all, newly-weds! From first date nervous chit-chat, to most recent late-night conversations, we have shared our love for adventure, our bucket lists, our future plans, all of which have one common theme: “Let’s go travel!” While Alisha finished her Masters degree, and Ueli worked as full-time employee, the two of us, both left-brained, office workers decided to take a leap of faith and leave our comfort zone at home. We wish to experience the world for all its raw and alluring charm as well as its unharnessed, provocative nature. We both have personal goals that we wish to attain while travelling and most of all, we hope to grow together as husband and wife. Our personalities while being very different at times, complements each other’s. Ueli being the planner, the dreamer, and risk-taker, balances the realist, adventure-seeking-but-sometimes-too-scared-to-take-the-leap Alisha. Leaving behind the walled cubicle, the daily 9-5 routine, we have packed our 60L backpack with hopes of travelling around the world for a year.


We call Vancouver and Zurich as our home towns. Currently we call Zurich our home base.

Work & Study

We both are looking for new opportunities as soon as we are back.


Our passion and our target for the year 2018

Meet us



Curious, easily impressed, always keen, I am out to search the world for its beauty but I know I don't have to search too much. Keen on developing my bargaining abilities, and learn about people. Love to write!



I can't wait to see the wide world and its beauty. I am interested in new technologies and in learning about new cultures and their challenges. Our third companion is a drone which allows us to get a broader look.
